For All Mankind Main Title
0 views • May 10, 2024
The course of human history can be altered in a single moment—one butterfly-flap of the wings that shifts our shared trajectory forever. In our case, the butterfly just happens to be a Soviet cosmonaut landing on the Moon. Since the dawn of time, we’ve been looking to the stars to understand our place on Earth. It’s a common thread that binds us and inspires us to invent, explore, discover.
Here, these common threads collide as we represent the course of human history being changed in that single event— the Soviet Union beating America to the Moon—and the world we make together in its wake.
Lines deviate and converge in a graphic, tactile world that pays homage to the past while hinting at the “what if?” future explored throughout the series. Like the show logo itself, these lines weave and merge to create stylised representations of human exploration—badges, almost— ultimately reminding us of the common thread we share.