Power Rangers HyperForce RPG (Official Opening)
0 views • Apr 9, 2024
Hyper RPG and Saban Brands present Power Rangers HyperForce, a new tabletop RPG show on Twitch!
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Peter Sudarso as Marv: http://twitter.com/petersadrian
Strawburry17 as Chloe: http://twitter.com/strawburry17
Cristina Vee as Vesper: http://twitter.com/cristinavee
Paul Schrier as Jack: http://twitter.com/paulieschrier
Andre Meadows as Eddie: http://twitter.com/BlackNerd
Malika Lim as Game Master: http://twitter.com/hello_malika
Hyper RPG is a gathering place for friends, centered around video and tabletop gaming, comic books, movies and more. We push the boundaries of collaborative storytelling and shared gaming experiences across the web and around the world!