Payoff Trailer [Subtitled]
5 views • Nov 30, 2022
In this thrilling live-action adaptation of the hit manga series, a police officer arrives in a sleepy rural village to discover a series of shocking events that will lead him to the horrifying realization that something is deeply wrong with those who live there. Gannibal is produced by Teruhisa Yamamoto and Tatsuya Iwakura, and is adapted for the screen by Takamasa Oe and directed by Shinzo Katayama. This exciting new series will launch December 28, only on Disney+, Disney+ Hotstar and Hulu. Release date: December 28, 2022 Cast: Yuya Yagira, Show Kasamatsu, Riho Yoshioka Creative team: Director - Shinzo Katayama, Hayato Kawai Producer - Teruhisa Yamamoto, Tatsuya Iwakura Writer - Takamasa Oe #star #gannibal #disneyplus
After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in the remote mountain village of Kuge. It seems the perfect place to recover from the ordeal, despite the mysterious disappearance of a previous officer posted there. One day, the body of an old woman is found on the mountain. The Goto family says she was attacked by a bear, but Daigo notices a human bite mark. It soon becomes clear that not all is as it seems in the village.

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