
Season 0 of Mercy was originally scheduled for release around March 2025, but due to unexpected delays, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

The good news is that Mercy is still in active production, and an exciting announcement is expected in the near future.

Stay up-to-date with all the production updates and be the first to know when the release date is announced. Download Rivr on your iPhone or iPad, and add Mercy to your favorites.

Season -1


1: That Crazy Bitch Was Right (Director's Cut)
When two boys get trapped in an abandoned building, Veronica finds herself in the right place at the right time to help them. Back at the hospital, Chloe pressures doctors to perform a risky surgery to save her comatose boyfriend from brain death, and Sonia treats a psychic patient who makes a mysterious prediction about her future. Meanwhile, Briggs tries frantically to raise the funds needed to pay off his high-stakes debt with the mafia before it's too late, and Sands considers a job offer to return to Afghanistan.
Season 1
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