Season 2
Is the Order a Rabbit?
12 EPISODES • 2015
With a new year comes new adventures, especially at the Rabbit House! Since her arrival at the café, Kokoa Hoto has become accustomed to her new life as a waitress even though the Rabbit House isn't the rabbit paradise she initially envisioned it to be. Life is pleasant, and she enjoys spending time both working and playing with her friends and fellow waitresses Chino Kafuu, a cute middle school student with a fuzzy bunny companion named Tippy, and Rize Tedeza, the pig-tailed daughter of a soldier who is readily armed for any scenario. Together with Chiya Ujimatsu and Sharo Kirima, who also work at neighboring cafés in town, the Rabbit House crew gets involved in all sorts of crazy adventures. Throughout these adventures, the girls encounter troubled novelists, rival cafes, secret treasure, and... alcoholic chocolates?

Season 1


1: 1st Bunny: This Is My Self-Proclaimed Big Sister Whose Smiles and Flashes are Boisterous
Oct 10, 2015
It’s been a year since Cocoa arrived at Rabbit House, and she wants to send her mom pictures of her friends. If only she could get Chino to pose for a picture!
2: 2nd Bunny: Grey Rabbit and Cinderella
Oct 17, 2015
Sharo’s being plagued by a ghost… or is she? Later, the girls visit Rize’s mansion and find themselves dressed up as maids!
3: 3rd bunny: Spinning Dance Legend Duck Squad
Oct 24, 2015
Chino, Megu, and Maya have to come up with sketches and a creative dance for a school fine arts project. Will Chino’s ballet lessons take her away from Rabbit House?
4: 4th Bunny: Cocoa-senpai’s Elegant Tea Party Tutorial
Oct 31, 2015
The high school girls treat Chino, Megu, and Maya to a classy afternoon tea party. In an effort to be more “grown up,” the younger girls observe and copy the older girls.
5: 5th Bunny: I Saw Through Your Ordinary Springiness at First Bite
Nov 7, 2015
Cocoa’s sister, Mocha, arrives at Rabbit House, and she’s ready to cuddle everyone in sight! Against Mocha, does Cocoa stand a chance at keeping her “big sister” status?
6: 6th Bunny: Wooden Framework Town, Mission Complete
Nov 14, 2015
Mocha continues to effortlessly win all of Cocoa’s friends over and claim them as her new “little sisters.” How will Mocha react when Cocoa starts to treat her coldly?
7: 7th bunny: That Spoiled Girl, Like a Soap Bubble, Will Fleetingly Disappear
Nov 21, 2015
An accidental spill on her uniform sends Cocoa on a soapy, bubbly adventure. Later, the girls debate dinner, and Chino attempts to speak less stiffly with her friends.
8: 8th bunny: Sneaking Stalking Stalker Story
Nov 28, 2015
The new school year begins with high hopes and cute supplies, but Sharo and Cocoa get into a fight, Maya worries about the future, and the girls end up stalking each other!
9: 9th bunny: The Furball Suicide Attacks, and the Merciless Button is Launched
Dec 5, 2015
An ancient rivalry between Rabbit House and Ama Usa An?! Rize and Cocoa “interrogate” Sharo for answers and discover the origin of Chiya’s obsession with strange menu items.
10: 10th Bunny: Everyday Life Searching for E
Dec 12, 2015
The ever popular Rize recruits Sharo to help her with her packed club schedule. Later, Cocoa desperately tries to find someone to play outside with her.
11: 11th Bunny: Stardust Mayim-Mayim
Dec 19, 2015
A perfect vacation to a mountain cabin changes into quest for survival?! The girls go fishing, hunt for mushrooms, stargaze, and pull zombie pranks on each other!
12: 12th Bunny: The Treasure is Your Decisive Moment
Dec 26, 2015
Chino unveils her talents as a budding photographer. Later, Cocoa finds a map hidden at Rabbit House, the ensuing treasure hunt takes the girls on an adventure around town.
Season 3
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