
Season 0 of Supernatural was originally scheduled for release around March 2025, but due to unexpected delays, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

The good news is that Supernatural is still in active production, and an exciting announcement is expected in the near future.

Stay up-to-date with all the production updates and be the first to know when the release date is announced. Download Rivr on your iPhone or iPad, and add Supernatural to your favorites.

Season -1


1: Unaired Pilot
Sam is about to graduate from college and has an interview set up to join one of the most prestigious law schools in the country. His brother Dean, whom he has not seen since he went to college, shows up in the middle of the night and tells him their father is missing while on a hunting trip. Leaving his girlfriend behind to find their dad, Sam joins Dean in an effort to find their father in a little town called Jericho, where unmarried men disappear without a trace.
2: A Very Special Supernatural Special
Oct 6, 2014
This one-hour special takes a behind-the-scenes look at the past nine seasons of the hit drama about the thrilling and terrifying journey of the Winchester Brothers. The stars and producers share stories and clips of their favorite memories, monsters, demons, and angels from Seasons 1 through 9 and tease the upcoming action fans can expect in Season 10. Interviews include series stars Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester), Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester), Misha Collins (Castiel), and Mark Sheppard (Crowley) along with series creator Eric Kripke and executive producers Robert Singer and Jeremy Carver.
3: A Day in the Life of Jared and Jensen
Sep 5, 2006
Following Jared and Jensen for the day around the Supernatural set
4: The Journal - Origins
Sep 5, 2006
Discussing the origins of John Winchesters journal
5: The Journal - Design
Sep 5, 2006
A look into how the Journal was created
6: Supernatural - The Impala
Sep 2, 2008
A Look Inside the Classic 1967 Chevrolet Impala - a 5-minute featurette about the Impala.
7: From Legends to Reality - Supernatural Effects
Sep 2, 2008
Supernatural Effects - a 23-minute featurette about the special effects used in Supernatural.
8: Creating Supernatural Souls
Sep 13, 2011
Writer Ben Edlund explains how demons and angels enter our world and the significance of the soul.
9: Supernatural and the Quest for the Soul
Sep 13, 2011
The documentary explores the concept of the soul, drawing on the season's major themes and interviewing the show writers, religious leaders and thinkers on the subject. Regardless of one's beliefs, the piece should prove thought provoking.
10: Jensen Ackles - A Director’s Journey
Sep 13, 2011
The series star works behind the camera on "Weekend at Bobby's"
11: Exploring Death
Sep 13, 2011
Writer Ben Edlund talks about the major themes from "Appointment in Samarra
12: Finding Purgatory
Sep 13, 2011
Showrunner Sera Gamble explains the show's take on Purgatory.
13: Creatures from the Digital Realm
Sep 18, 2012
An overview of the season's monsters and FX
14: Scoring Washboards & Tommy Guns
Sep 18, 2012
Scoring "Time After Time After Time": An in-depth dissection of the music score composed for season seven's noir-inspired episode, "Time After Time After Time."
15: Monsters From Planet Mythos
Sep 18, 2012
16: Psycho-Scribes of the Supernatural
Sep 18, 2012
The writers discuss the series' ongoing lore.
17: Trial of the Winchesters
Sep 18, 2012
18: Weekend in Lily Dale
Sep 18, 2012
A visit to the real Lily Dale, New York spiritualist community
19: Highway to Death
Sep 18, 2012
A look at death and its role in mythology, religion and, of course, the show's seventh season.
20: Supernatural - Time After Time After Time Promo
Sep 18, 2012
An in-depth dissection of the music score composed for season seven's noir-inspired episode, "Time After Time After Time
21: Directing the Supernatural
Sep 18, 2012
Directors Robert Singer, Phil Sgriccia, Jensen Ackles, Ben Edlund, Jerry Wanek, John MacCarthy and John Showalter speak to the method, joys and challenges of their craft and their work on the series.
22: Jensen Sings - Outtake
Sep 18, 2012
Air Supply's "I'm All Out of Love," as sung by Dean Winchester.
23: Desperate Foxes and Vetala Truck Stop Murders
Sep 18, 2012
24: Angel Warrior - The Story of Castiel
Sep 10, 2013
A look into the Character of Castiel
25: Finding Supernatural - Creating the Found Footage Episode
Sep 10, 2013
26: For the Defense of Mankind - The Tablets Revealed
Sep 10, 2013
27: Men of Letters - The Winchester Legacy
Sep 9, 2014
28: Designing the Men of Letters Bunker
Sep 9, 2014
29: Crow’s Nest Tour
Sep 9, 2014
A Tour of the main area of the Men of Letters Bunker
30: Library Tour
Sep 9, 2014
A Tour around the Library in the Men of Letters Bunker
31: Room 7B
Sep 9, 2014
A Tour around the Storage room/Dungeon room of the Men of Letters Bunker
32: Behind the Scenes of Supernatural - A Fan’s Perspective
Sep 9, 2014
Supernatural from a Fans point of view
33: Supernatural Bound by Blood - Decisions and Consequences
Sep 9, 2014
34: The Winchester Mythology - Battling The Mark and The Blade
Sep 8, 2015
Discussing the Mark of Caine and the First Blade
35: Supernatural Theatre - Staging the 200th Episode
Sep 8, 2015
A look around the creation of the 200th Episode
36: Supernatural FANS Documentary
Sep 8, 2015
37: Digital Magic - Enhancing the Sets with VFX
Sep 6, 2016
38: Digital Magic - Enhancing the Sets with VFX
39: Jensen Ackles on Directing The Bad Seed
Sep 6, 2016
40: The Winchester Mythology - Shedding Light on The Darkness
Sep 6, 2016
A look at The Darkness
41: The Winchester Mythology - Clash of the British Men of Letters
Sep 5, 2017
The rebellion of the Men of Letters
42: The Winchester Mythology - Mary Winchester
Sep 5, 2017
Discussing the return of Mary Winchester
43: The Winchester Mythology - A Hunter's Life
Sep 5, 2017
The life of a Hunter on Supernatural
44: Mystery Mash-Up - The Making of Scoobynatural
Sep 4, 2018
An in-depth look into the making of the special season 13 episode Scoobynatural
45: The Winchester Mythology - Nature vs. Nurture
Jun 7, 2018
The Winchester mythology continues with an exploration of the internal battle between good and evil. Which will win out: nature or nurture?
46: Into the Apocalypse - A World Without the Winchesters
Sep 4, 2018
The birth of the Nephilim, Jack, was so powerful that is caused a rift which led to an alternative reality know as Apocalypse World - a horrific landscape of ash and death. Look at how this hellish world was brought to life.
47: 2013 Comic-Con Panel
Jul 21, 2013
Panel discussion at Comic-Con in 2013
48: 2014 Comic-Con Panel
Jul 26, 2014
Panel discussion at Comic-Con in 2014
49: 2015 Comic-Con Panel
Jul 12, 2015
Panel discussion at Comic-Con in 2015
50: 2016 Comic-Con Panel
Jul 24, 2016
Panel discussion at Comic-Con in 2016
51: 2017 Comic-Con Panel
Jul 23, 2017
Panel discussion at Comic-Con in 2017
52: Kansas Performance at 2017 Comic-Con
Jul 23, 2017
A live performance of Carry on my Wayward Son by Kansas at Comic-Con in 2017
53: Season 1 Gag Reel
Sep 5, 2006
Gag Reel
54: Season 2 Gag Reel
Sep 11, 2007
Gag Reel
55: Season 3 Gag Reel
Sep 2, 2008
Gag Reel
56: Season 4 Gag Reel
Sep 1, 2009
Gag Reel
57: Season 5 Gag Reel
Sep 7, 2010
Gag Reel
58: Season 6 Gag Reel
Sep 13, 2011
Gag Reel
59: Season 7 Gag Reel
Sep 18, 2012
Gag Reel
60: Season 8 Gag Reel
Sep 10, 2013
Gag Reel
61: Season 9 Gag Reel
Sep 9, 2014
Gag Reel
62: Season 10 Gag Reel
Sep 8, 2015
Gag Reel
63: Season 11 Gag Reel
Sep 6, 2017
Gag Reel
64: Season 12 Gag Reel
Sep 5, 2017
Gag Reel
65: Season 13 Gag Reel
Sep 4, 2018
Gag Reel
66: Supernatural - The Long Road Home
Nov 19, 2020
Special interviews from main cast members, Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, and Alexander Calvert, with creator Eric Kripke, executive producers Robert Singer and Andrew Dabb, and special guest stars Jim Beaver, Samantha Smith, Ruth Connell, Kim Rhodes and Mark A. Sheppard leading into the series finale.
67: A day in the life of Jared and Jensen
Sep 5, 2006
68: Doppelgängers' Ball
Sep 18, 2012
Season 7 special features clip within Supernatural Creature Fest Drive-In
69: Prosthetic Men
Sep 18, 2012
Clip under the season 7 special features Supernatural Creature Fest Drive-In
70: Dorms
Sep 9, 2014
The Men of Letters Interactive Set Experience: Dorms - Production Designer Jerry Wanek takes the viewer on a set tour of the Dormitories
71: Supernatural Homecoming: Exploring Episode 300
Sep 10, 2019
This documentary takes a heartwarming look at the making of an unforgettable family reunion.
72: The Winchester Mythology: The Choices We Make
May 16, 2019
The mythology continues as Sam, Dean, and Castiel make difficult choices with far-reaching consequences.
73: Season 14 Gag Reel
Sep 10, 2019
Gag Reel
74: Season 15 Gag Reel
May 25, 2021
Gag Reel
75: Supernatural at the Museum of Television & Radio's Paley Television Festival
Jun 15, 2010
A 72-minute panel discussion with the cast and creators of the show. Panelist: Jensen Ackles ("Dean Winchester"), Eric Kripke (Creator/Executive Producer/Writer), Kim Manners (Coexecutive Producer/Director), McG (Executive Producer), Jared Padalecki ("Sam Winchester"), John Shiban (Coexecutive Producer/Writer), and Robert Singer (Executive Producer/Director).
76: Supernatural: Tales from the Edge of Darkness
Jun 15, 2010
Featurette on the creation of the series Supernatural.
77: The Impala
Nov 11, 2008
Supernatural's crew show off the series' stack of '67 Impalas, highlighting some of the bells and whistles in the stunt car, another Impala that can be completely disassembled for shooting interiors, and a run through the arsenal Sam and Dean lug around in the trunk. From the Third Season Box
78: Behind the Scenes: Inside the Writer's Room
Sep 11, 2007
Webisode with a conversation with the writer's of Supernatural. From the complete second season set.
79: Roanoke: America's First Urban Legend
Sep 11, 2007
80: Clowns are Scary as Hell
Sep 13, 2007
Featurette about the fear of clowns in Supernatural
81: At the Crossroads
Sep 18, 2007
Featurette about the history of selling your soul to the devil in Supernatural
82: Werewolves: Legend and Lore
Sep 11, 2007
Featurette about the history of Werewolves in Supernatural
83: The Episode from Hell: The Making of All Hell Breaks Loose Part 2
Sep 13, 2007
The producers discussing the final episode of Season 2 and the problems that they faced filming it.
84: Haunted Hollywood
Sep 18, 2007
85: Tricksters: Legend and Lore
Sep 11, 2007
86: 15 Minutes: Lucifer and Michael - Brothers?
Sep 7, 2010
A 60 Minutes-style news magazine that explores the origins of these two archangels and debates whether or not they can truly be considered brothers.
87: Behind the Curtain with Jack Crossley
Sep 7, 2010
This riff on The McLaughlin Group piles together an atheist, a female reverend, an Islamist, a military guy prone to stockpiling ammo and canned goods for a roundtable discussion. How and when will the world end? The debates from there swirl around angels, resurrection, the Antichrist, and Lucifer himself.
88: Demon Visitations
Sep 7, 2010
Several first-hand accounts of the supernatural are compiled
89: The Quest for Satan
Sep 7, 2010
Mimicking the look and feel of a no-budget public access show, "The Quest for Satan" delves into the gulf between what the Church of Satan represents and theistic devil worship.
90: Kripke's Guide to the Apocalypse
Sep 7, 2010
Creator Eric Kripke runs viewers through a typical day at the office -- juggling seven episodes in varying stages of production -- and explains the process of breaking an episode. He also touches on the series' concept of family extending to Heaven, how to properly dramatize the Apocalypse for television, and noting just how much of the premise for season 5 was in his five-year plan.
91: Rise of the Horsemen
Sep 7, 2010
The emphasis here is on what each of the Four Horsemen represent, how they're used throughout the course of season five, and how they each fit into Supernatural's metaphor for the road.
92: Angels & Archangels
Sep 1, 2009
93: Angels and Miracles
Sep 1, 2009
94: The Ageless Unseen War
Sep 1, 2009
95: Ghostfacers: Ghost Martial Arts
Sep 1, 2009
96: The Price of Free Will
Sep 1, 2009
97: The Destroyer of Children
Sep 1, 2009
98: The Sweet Song of Death
Sep 1, 2009
99: On Set with Spin: The Real Fan Contest
Sep 6, 2016
100: The Bonds of Limbo
Sep 1, 2009
101: 2018 Comic-Con Panel
Sep 10, 2019
102: 2019 Comic-Con Panel
Sep 8, 2020
103: Supernatural: Family Don't End with Blood
Sep 8, 2020
The cast and crew of Supernatural from the final season
104: The Winchester Mythology: Midwestern Heroes
Sep 8, 2020
105: Supernatural: The End of the Road
Sep 8, 2020
A look at the final season of Supernatural
106: Pilot Deleted Scenes (S1)
3 deleted scenes from season 1 episode 1, "Pilot".
107: Wendigo Deleted Scene (S1)
1 deleted scene from season 1 episode 2, "Wendigo".
108: Phanton Traveler Deleted Scene (S1)
1 deleted scene from season 1 episode 4, "Phantom Traveler".
109: Hookman Deleted Scenes (S1)
3 deleted scenes from season 1 episode 7, "Hookman"
110: Home Deleted Scenes (S1)
2 deleted scenes from season 1 episode 9, "Home"
111: Scarecrow Deleted Scene (S1)
1 deleted scene from season 1 episode 11, "Scarecrow"
112: Faith Deleted Scene (S1)
1 deleted scene from season 1 episode 12, "Faith"
113: Nightmare Deleted Scenes (S1)
2 deleted scenes from season 1 episode 14, "Nightmare"
114: In My Time of Dying Deleted Scenes (S2)
2 deleted scenes from season 2 episode 1, "In My Time of Dying"
115: Bloodlust Deleted Scene (S2)
1 deleted scene from season 1 episode 3, "Bloodlust"
116: The Usual Suspects Deleted Scenes (S2)
2 deleted scenes from season 2 episode 7, "The Usual Suspects"
117: Hunted Deleted Scenes (S2)
2 deleted scenes from season 2 episode 10, "Hunted"
118: Jared's Original Screen Test
Jared Padalecki's original screen test
119: A Closer Look - The Magnificent Seven (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 1, "The Magnificent Seven", with Director Kim Manners
120: A Closer Look - The Kids Are Alright (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 2, "The Kids Are Alright", with Creator/Executive Producer Eric Kripke
121: A Closer Look - Bad Day at Black Rock (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 3, "Bad Day at Black Rock", with Writer Ben Edlund
122: A Closer Look - Red Sky at Morning (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 6, "Red Sky at Morning", with VFX Supervisor Ivan Hayden
123: A Closer Look - A Very Supernatural Christmas (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 8, "A Very Supernatural Christmas", with Creator/Executive Producer Eric Kripke.
124: A Closer Look - Dream a Little Dream of Me (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 10, "Dream a Little Dream of Me", with Creator/Executive Producer Eric Kripke
125: A Closer Look - Jus in Bello (S3)
A behind the scenes look at season 3 episode 12, "Jus in Bello", with Writer Sera Gamble
126: Ghostfacers! Confessionals
127: Lazarus Rising Extended Scene 36 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 1, "Lazarus Rising". Dean and Castiel in the barn.
128: In the Beginning Extended Scene 9 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 3, "In the Beginning". Mom sneaks out of the house.
129: In the Beginning Extended Scene 17 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 17, "In the Beginning". Kid talks while leaning on tree.
130: Monster Movie Deleted Scene 6 (S4)
Deleted scene from season 4 episode 5, "Monster Movie". Sam and Dean walking to the pub.
131: Monster Movie Deleted Scene 18 (S4)
Deleted scene from season 4 episode 5, "Monster Movie". Sam and Dean watch mummy on a security camera.
132: Yellow Fever Extended Scene 17 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 6, "Yellow Fever". Dean trips out reading.
133: It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester Extended Scene 18 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 7, "It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester". Castiel and Uriel in the park.
134: Heaven and Hell Extended Scene 17 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 10, "Heaven and Hell". Dean, Anna, Ruby and Sam in the barn.
135: Heaven and Hell Deleted Scene 29 (S4)
Deleted scene from season 4 episode 10, "Heaven and Hell". Castiel and Uriel in the forest.
136: On the Head of a Pin Extended Scene 5 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 16, "On the Head of a Pin". Uriel and Castiel have a job for Dean.
137: The Monster at the End of This Book Extended Scene 1 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 18, "The Monster at the End of This Book". Sam and Dean in comic book store.
138: The Monster at the End of This Book Extended Scene 37 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 18, "The Monster at the End of This Book". Zachariah tells Chuck to keep writing.
139: The Rapture Deleted Scene 2 (S4)
Deleted scene from season 4 episode 20, "The Rapture". "You hung over or something?"
140: Lucifer Rising Extended Scene 32 (S4)
Extended scene from season 4 episode 22, "Lucifer Rising". "Castiel and Chuck"
141: The Real Ghostbusters Deleted Scenes (S5)
Deleted scenes from season 5 episode 9, "The Real Ghostbusters". Chuck addresses the Supernatural fan convention.
142: Ghostfacers
The Ghostfacers investigate hauntings at the Grand Showcase Theatre.
143: The French Mistake Alternative Takes and Outtakes (S6)
Alternative takes and outtakes from season 6 episode 15, "The French Mistake".
144: Defending Your Life Deleted Scene (S7)
Deleted scene from season 7 episode 4, "Defending Your Life". Sam calls Bobby before entering a barn.
145: Slash Fiction Deleted Scenes (S7)
2 deleted scenes from season 7 episode 6, "Slash Fiction". Bobby eats a sandwich with Judy. Judy spills a bucket of water.
146: Death's Door Deleted Scene (S7)
Deleted scene from season 7 episode 10, "Death's Door". Dick Roman speaks to Susan immediately after shooting Bobby.
147: Adventures in Babysitting Deleted Scenes (S7)
3 deleted scenes from season 7 episode 11, "Adventures in Babysitting". Sam checks his old hunting gear in the boot of the car. Dean and Krissy talk. Sam and Dean talk whilst walking.
148: Time After Time After Time Deleted Scenes (S7)
2 deleted scenes from season 7 episode 12, "Time After Time After Time". Sam and Judy talk whilst driving. Sam and Dean say goodbye to Judy before talking. Dean researches Roman on laptop.
149: Repo Man Deleted Scene (S7)
Deleted scene from season 7 episode 15, "Repo Man". Bloody man asks for help at hospital.
150: Party On, Garth Deleted Scene (S7)
Deleted scene from season 7 episode 18, "Party On, Garth". Garth answers Baxter's phone. Sam and Dean take box.
151: Of Grave Importance Deleted Scene (S7)
Deleted scene from season 7 episode 19, "Of Grave Importance". Sam, Dean and Bobby are at a house.
152: We Need to Talk About Kevin Deleted Scenes (S8)
2 deleted scenes from season 8 episode 1, "We Need to Talk About Kevin". Sam watches surgery being performed. Crawley addresses his uncertain followers.
153: What's Up, Tiger Mommy? Deleted Scenes (S8)
2 deleted scenes from season 8 episode 2, "What's Up, Tiger Mommy?". Sam and Dean talk. Dean is handed a note with the comment 'Queen takes pawn'.
154: Heartache Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 3, "Heartache". A nighttime visit to Brick Holmes' grave.
155: Bitten Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 4, "Bitten". Kate follows Sam and Dean to a public payphone.
156: Hunteri Heroici Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 8, "Hunteri Heroici". Sam, Dean and Castiel arrive at a crime scene.
157: LARP and the Real Girl Deleted Scenes (S8)
2 deleted scenes from season 8 episode 11, "LARP and the Real Girl". Sam and Dean arrive at the Sheriff's Office. Dean talks to Charlie.
158: As Time Goes By Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 12, "As Time Goes By". Sam, Dean and Henry talk about Abbadon.
159: Everybody Hates Hitler Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 13, "Everybody Hates Hitler". Sam requests a manuscript.
160: Trial and Error Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 14, "Trial and Error". Sam returns to Dean, followed by the hellhound.
161: Taxi Driver Deleted Scenes (S8)
3 deleted scenes from season 8 episode 19, "Taxi Driver". Dean goes down an alley looking for Sam. Dean prays to Castiel. Dean asks a question.
162: Pac-Man Fever Deleted Scenes (S8)
2 deleted scenes from season 8 episode 20, "Pac-Man Fever". Dean and Charlie enter the Sheriff's Office. Dean and Charlie talk about music in the car.
163: The Great Escapist Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 21, "The Great Escapist". Crowley receives his magic bullets.
164: Clip Show Deleted Scene (S8)
Deleted scene from season 8 episode 22, "Clip Show". Sam and Dean arrive at building 545.
165: Sacrifice Deleted Scenes (S8)
3 deleted scenes from season 8 episode 23, "Sacrifice". Dean gives Sam the case files of those that died. Sam watches over a captured Crowley. Dean demands Castiel takes him to Sam.
166: I'm No Angel Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 3, "I'm No Angel". Rev. Buddy Boyle appeals for people to let angels in.
167: A Rock and a Hard Place Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 8, "A Rock and a Hard Place". Sam is stopped by Jody.
168: Road Trip Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 10, "Road Trip". Crowley and Castiel watch TV and talk about being human.
169: Blade Runners Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 16, "Blade Runners". Sam and Dean are researching the Man of Letters.
170: Meta Fiction Deleted Scenes (S9)
3 deleted scenes from season 9 episode 18, "Meta Fiction". Dean receives a call from Castiel. Gabriel tries to convince Castiel to flee. Castiel stiches a hole in his coat.
171: Bloodlines Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 20, "Bloodlines". Young cop argues with his girlfriend.
172: King of the Damned Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 21, "King of the Damned". Crowley convinces Gavin he's a demon.
173: Stairway to Heaven Deleted Scene (S9)
Deleted scene from season 9 episode 22, "Stairway to Heaven". Sam and Dean talk about Castiel.
174: Lab Tour
A tour of the chemistry lab in the Men of Letter's Bunker.
175: Galley Tour
A tour of the kitchen in the Men of Letter's Bunker.
176: Fan Fiction Deleted Scene (S10)
Deleted scene from season 10 episode 5, "Fan Fiction". Dean talks to Marie about family whilst Sam talks to Maeve.
177: Ask Jeeves Deleted Scene (S10)
Deleted scene from season 10 episode 6, "Ask Jeeves". Sam is playing cards when Dean arrives.
178: Girls, Girls, Girls Deleted Scene (S10)
Deleted scene from season 10 episode 7, "Girls, Girls, Girls". Hannah tells Castiel she is done.
179: The Hunter Games Deleted Scene (S10)
Deleted scene from season 10 episode 10, "The Hunter Games". Castiel calls Claire.
180: There's No Place Like Home Deleted Scenes (S10)
2 deleted scenes from season 10 episode 11, "There's No Place Like Home". Sam talks to Charlie in a car. Dean is questioned by a security guard at Wellington.
181: The Executioner's Song Deleted Scenes (S10)
2 deleted scenes from season 10 episode 14, "The Executioner's Song". Crowley and Rowena are presented with a PR pitch for crossroads. Castiel meets with Crowley to help Dean.
182: Book of the Damned Deleted Scene (S10)
Deleted scene from season 10 episode 18, "Book of the Damned". Dean returns to Sam and Charlie whilst being chased.
183: Brother's Keeper Deleted Scenes (S10)
3 deleted scenes from season 10 episode 23, "Brother's Keeper". Dean is drinking at a bar in his dream and talks to Crowley. Sam is cleaning up blood on the floor and finds old photos. Castiel questions Rowena on her assassination attempt on Crowley.
184: Thin Lizzie Deleted Scene (S11)
Deleted scene from season 11 episode 5, "Thin Lizzie". Sc 45 - The aftermath of the arrest of a serial killer.
185: Our Little World Deleted Scene (S11)
Deleted scene from season 11 episode 6, "Out Little World". Sc 11 - Castiel approaches Renee Walkins
186: O Brother Where Art Thou? Deleted Scene (S11)
Deleted Scene from season 11 episode 9, "O Brother Where Art Thou?". Sc 07 - Amara kills a death row inmate.
187: Beyond the Mat Deleted Scenes (S11)
3 deleted scenes from season 11 episode 15, "Beyond the Mat". Sc 08 - Sam and Dean are at the wrestling merchandise store. Sc 16 - Dean tries to convince Jace to give him the glove. Sc 44 - Crowley moans to a child at a park.
188: Hell's Angel Deleted Scene (S11)
Deleted scene from season 11 episode 18, "Hell's Angel". Sc 27 - Amara talks about ushering an era of solitude whilst Rowena panics.
189: Don't Call Me Shurley Deleted Scenes (S11)
2 deleted scenes from season 11 episode 20, "Don't Call Me Shurley". Sc 01 - God is stuck writing chapter 47 of his book before switching to an autobiography of God. Sc 22 - God and Metatron are at a bar, with God writing his book.
190: LOTUS Deleted Scene (S12)
Deleted scene from season 12 episode 8, "LOTUS". Sc 5 - Rowena is having dinner with Louis.
191: Family Feud Deleted Scene (S12)
Deleted scene from season 12 episode 13, "Family Feud". Sc 30 - Rowena talks to Gavin at a museum about their history.
192: The Raid Deleted Scene (S12)
Deleted scene from season 12 episode 14, "The Raid". Sc 19 - Sam gets a brief from the Men of Letters.
193: The British Invasion Deleted Scene (S12)
Deleted scene from season 12 episode 17, "The British Invasion". Sc 25 - Dean gets a video call from Eileen on a lead on Kelly Kline.
194: There's Something About Mary Deleted Scenes (S12)
2 deleted scenes from season 12 episode 21, "There's Something About Mary". Sc 3 - Mary is visited in her cell by Toni. Sc 35 - Sam and Dean attempt to restore power.
195: Who We Are Deleted Scenes (S12)
3 deleted scenes from season 12 episode 22, "Who We Are". Sc 4 - Dr. Hess is debriefed on the trap for the Winchesters. Sc 33 - Sam observes a warehouse with Jody before breaking in. Sc 43 - Mary and Dean are monitored by Toni.
196: All Along the Watchtower Deleted Scene (S12)
Deleted scene from season 12 episode 23, "All Along the Watchtower". Sc 42 - Sam and Dean explain the plan to Mary.
197: Patience Deleted Scenes (S13)
2 deleted scenes from season 13 episode 3, "Patience". Sc 13 - Dean tells Jody that Castiel and Mary are dead. Sc 17 - Dean and Jody say goodbye to Missouri.
198: War of the Worlds Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 7, "War of the Worlds". Sc 22 - Michael demands Mary Winchester.
199: The Scorpion and the Frog Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 8, "The Scorpion and the Frog". Sc 22 - Sam gets a knife examined.
200: Wayward Sisters Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 10, "Wayward Sisters". Sc 82 - Claire talks to Patience during the car ride.
201: Breakdown Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 11, "Breakdown". Sc 15 - Donna talks to Doug in the car.
202: Various & Sundry Villains Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 12, "Various & Sundry Villains". Sc 27 - Castiel is staggering through the woods.
203: Good Intentions Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 14, "Good Intentions". Sc17 - Dean and Castiel talk around the boot of the car.
204: A Most Holy Man Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 15, "A Most Holy Man". Sc6 - Dean and Sam pull up to a house.
205: Scoobynatural Deleted Scene (S13)
Deleted scene from season 13 episode 16, "Scoobynatural". Sc32 - The ghost is served a meal.
206: Bring 'em Back Alive Deleted Scenes (S13)
3 deleted scenes from season 13 episode 18, "Bring 'em Back Alive" Sc6 - Sam and Castiel talk. Sc11 - Castiel opens a door. Sc34 - A stranger checks on Lucifer
207: Optimism Deleted Scene (S14)
Deleted scene from season 14 episode 6, "Optimism". Sc15 - Charlie refuses to talk to Sam about Rowena in the car over pizza.
Season 1
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