Season 1
Reverse 4 You
8 EPISODES • 2024
Nineteen-year-old Jattawa seems like an ordinary first-year law student, but she has the ability to control time. Her younger sister Vivi has the ability to see the future. Lately, though, Vivi's visions seem to be wrong. Therefore, she finds it easy to disbelieve her latest prediction that her soulmate is P'Four, a fourth-year international business major with a bad reputation. When their promised love seems doomed to tragedy, the two set out to fight fate.


1: Orbit
Sep 3, 2024
Life gets hectic for law student Jattawa after her younger sister Vivi predicts she'll meet her soulmate during a bizarre weather event in Bangkok.
2: Anti-Gravity
Sep 10, 2024
As the sisters face a big change in their lives, Jattawa tries to derail Vivi's prediction — but fate always finds a way to put Four in her path.
3: Gravity
Sep 17, 2024
Crossed messages leave Jattawa doubting Four — until Vivi's frightening vision replaces her hurt with fear and sends her on a frantic rescue mission.
4: Lost Star
Sep 24, 2024
A dramatic reunion mends any misunderstandings between Jattawa and Four. Thanks to Vivi, the pair outwits a school bully — and soon love is in the air.
5: Episode 5
Oct 1, 2024
6: Episode 6
Oct 8, 2024
7: Episode 7
Oct 15, 2024
8: Episode 8
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