Season 7
Kids Incorporated

Season 7 of Kids Incorporated was originally scheduled for release around March 2025, but due to unexpected delays, the exact release date has yet to be confirmed.

The good news is that Kids Incorporated is still in active production, and an exciting announcement is expected in the near future.

Stay up-to-date with all the production updates and be the first to know when the release date is announced. Download Rivr on your iPhone or iPad, and add Kids Incorporated to your favorites.

Season 6


1: A Hard Date's Night
Eric schedules three dates all for the same night.
2: P*lace Alone
Haylie and Robin stay at the P*lace alone at night to catch a theif.
3: Thirteensomething
Kenny tries to impress a girl by acting older.
4: Pip Dreams
Haylie dreams about being a mango farmer when she loses the gangs tickets to a concert.
5: Teen Show
The kids get to go on t.v. and it almost breaks up the band.
6: Histroy in the Making
Eric tries to impress an old history teacher by putting a new spin on a history report.
7: Family Matters
Robin and Anna are vying for the attention of the other kids.
8: New Twist
Robin is in a tounge twist competition.
9: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Oct 5, 1991
Ana's father comes for a visit.
10: Flip Out
Oct 6, 1991
The P*lace is going to be changed in order to bring in more money.
11: Music Lessons
Oct 7, 1991
Kenny has trouble dealing with the suddened death of his favorite teacher.
12: While the Cat's Away
Oct 8, 1991
Eric & Kenny are left in charge as Flip goes to a ""meeting"".
13: Tall Order
Oct 9, 1991
Haylie has to deal with bullies that tease her about her being short.
14: Our Fair Anna
Robin and Haylie try to make over Anna for her date to an exclusive country club.
15: Five Kids & a Dog
The gang takes in a stray dog that follows Anna to the P*lace.
16: Mummy Dearest
Flip receives a Mummy instead of a trash compactor and Robin thinks it is cursed.
17: Double Trouble
The gang has to figure out why one minute Eric's friend is really nice to them and then in the next minute he is mean.
18: Earth Day
The gang holds an Earth Day festival at the P*lace when the one at the lake had to be canceled.
19: Shyness
Robin tries to help her friend, Becky, get over her shyness and fit into the gang.
20: The Spy Kit
Dec 12, 1992
Haylie gets a spy kit and uses it to spy on her friends. When she hears them talk about an old rag doll, she thinks that they are talking about her.
Season 8
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