Season 3
The Little Lulu Show
27 EPISODES • 1998
Season 3 of The Little Lulu Show was released on November 30 and consists of 27 episodes.

Season 2


1: The Haunted House/The Lucky Gold Piece/Very Little Lulu
Nov 30, 1998
The Haunted House: Tubby and the fellers dare Lulu to enter an empty house, which is known to be haunted. That night, Lulu complies, while Lulu enters the house, Tubby and the fellers dress up in sheets to pose as ghost. They hide in a closet, and when Iggie accidentally yells before time, Lulu runs out, and hide behind a tree, when she hears the fellers making fun of her, she puts 2 and 2 together, so she has Annie pose as the ghost of the house, and the fellers freak out. The Lucky Gold Piece: Mr. Moppet loses his lucky gold piece, and he has been struck with nothing but bad luck, he stumbed his toe, bumbed his head, and cut his face shaving. He even falls into a chocolate cake Mrs. Moppet baked for him. Lulu is sent to pick up another cake, but when she is asked to accompany Annie to the dentist: she has Tubby deliver the cake. Tubby then takes the cake to the club, where he, Iggie, and Willie eat the whole cake. Once Lulu explains the situation, Tubby makes a mud cake and passes it
2: The Big Egg/The Little Girl Who Never Heard of Ghost/The Case of the Missing Per
Dec 1, 1998
The Big Egg: The fellers are entering the local go-kart derby. When they test out their go-kart, they end up crashing, and don't enough money to buy new material. Iggie finds a giant rock that is shaped exactly like an egg. Tubby passes it off as a lost dinosaur egg and charges kids to look at it. When the fellers go to buy new materials, Lulu and Annie sneak a closer look at it, and see it's really just rock. Lulu hatches a plan, when the fellers return, the rock is smashed, and they hear roaring and crashing as the ""dinosaur"" comes closer. They escape via the go-kart, which had not had it's breaks installed. They win the derbry, and Lulu and Annie accept the trophe and cash prize on hr behalf. The Little Girl who Never Heard of Ghost: Alvin (who is supposed to be sick), sneaks into the Moppet house to get yet another story from Lulu, is was locked in her closet. Alvin wants a ghost story, so Lulu tells him the story of a little girl who never heard of ghost. The little girl walks int
3: Wild Boy/The Whistle Blower/Elephant Ride
Dec 7, 1998
Wild Boy: A highly intellegent monkey has escaped from a scientist/explorer. As the search for the monkey goes on, a dispute over an apple tree goes on between Lulu and the fellers. To keep Lulu and Annie away from the tree in the future, Tubby covers himself with mud and hair and a grass skirt, and poses as a wild boy. When Lulu gets word out, the whole town goes into panic. The scientist captures Tubby, and he pleads for Lulu to tell the truth. So Tubby is off the hook, and the smart monkey drives off in his truck. In the end, Tubby grants permission to Lulu and Annie to pick as many apples as they want from the tree, when Lulu declines. ""I like lemonade better"" she says. The Whistler Blower"" Officer McNab decides to try out a new high-tech way of calling the other officers to duty. They each get a ""policeman's whistle"". While the officers are out on duty, if they need back up, they just blow there whistle, and the others arrive, which works when they arrest an organ grinder. When on
4: The Beast in the Clubhouse/Gone Fishin'/Out, Out! Darned Spot!
Dec 28, 1998
The Beast in the Clubhouse: Tubby and the fellers are locked out of their clubhouse, because a crazed bird has taken over. Lulu invites them to have their meeting at her house. They make themselves at home and eats Mrs. Moppet's finger sandwiches for her girlfriends. Lulu and Annie watch the bird as it chases down Tubby and the fellers. It turns out that the reason the bird was attacking them is because it was using the threads from their clothes to make it's nest. The reason why it wants their threads is because they always spill food on their shirts. Gone Fishin': After a day of fishing, Lulu has a dream that she has been caught by a Fish/Man that looks somewhat like Tubby. His plans is a to have little girl for dinner. Lulu is put in a large kid-sized frying pan, but when the fish/man runs out of fire-wood, he goes out to get some more. Lulu escapes, but not before free all the other hostages. While swimming away, Lulu finds a giant wooden figure-head of her. With the help of a swor
5: The Curse of the Thingamajig/House Guest Blues/The Monster Hunt
Dec 14, 1998
The Curse of the Thingamajig: Lulu and Tubby go on an archeological dig, when they find a mysterious silver object. Tubby dubs it, a Thingamajig, and the two go to the library to do research. After not finding anything in the library, Lulu and Tubby are then struck with bad luck, no matter what happens. Everytime Tubby tries to get rid of it, it ends up reappearing (because it may have bounced off something, or an animal returns it). When a man finds Tubby with it, it turns out the Thingamajig is the part of the hood ornament. Afterwards, the man is struck with bad luck. House Guest Blues: Tubby is the Moppets house guest while the Tompkins go on a weekend trip. Tubby has Lulu's room, while she sleeps on a cot in the livingroom. With Tubby's stay, there's nothing but trouble, first he makes a mess in the kitchen when he makes a pancake breakfast, and he saws off the legs of Mr. Moppet's homemade stool, thinking it's a coffee table. In the end, when Tubby leaves, he offers to make it up
6: Blackout/Mind You Manners/To Tell the Truth
Dec 15, 1998
Blackout: On a stormy winter's night, the city experiences a blackout. Annie and Tubby are visiting Lulu when the lights go out, and find themselves having to spend the night. Lulu and Annie take this oppertunity to have fun with the lights out, while Tubby dreads having no TV and a cold supper. Lulu and Annie pretend to be mediums, and tell Tubby that the evil spirits are after him. When Mr. Moppet returns, he trips into the snowman, and when he knocks on the door, Tubby thinks its the evil spirit after him. Mr. Moppet is then warms up with blankets, and a bucket of warm soapy water to soak his feet in. The lights come back on, and Tubby is excited to have the TV back. But Lulu and Annie want to continue to have a blackout, so Mr. and Mrs. Moppet have a pretend blackout. Mind Your Manners: Tubby receives a cassette tape in the mail by mistake. This tape teaches you how to be a perfect gentleman. After Gloria telling him that she would date a perfect gentleman, Tubby then becomes the m
7: Spaced Out/Switched at Birth/The Great Outdoors
Dec 21, 1998
Spaced Out: Lulu, Annie, Tubby, Willie, and Iggie take a trip to the planetarium. While Lulu and Annie are eager to learn about outerspace, Tubby, Willie, and Iggie feel like getting into mischef, which they do quite well, when they step into a rocketship. Lulu and Annie follow them, when the hatch closes, and the rocket takes off. Tubby freaks out like a scared little girl, while the others try to stay calm. They find themselves going into warp speed, when Lulu starts her log. Annie can't figure out the controls, and Willie and Iggie play cards, while Tubby is still in panic. The rocket lands on Mars, and they step out, only to find the rocket was only a simulation. Switched at Birth: Lulu and Tubby get groceries, when they find a lady that looks exactly like Lulu! Tubby then comes to the conclusion that Lulu was switched at birth. Lulu and Tubby follow this lady to her house, where her daughter is having a party. The lady invites Lulu and Tubby in to show her daughter (who looks exac
8: Bowlfingers/The Great Tubbini/Shiney, Sheeny, Bouncy-Cleany
Dec 22, 1998
Bowlfingers: Tubby has put off his fence painting job for weeks now, but when he is needed for Lulu and Iggie's bowling match, he figures whats a couple more hours? While at the bowling alley, Tubby stocks up on hotdogs, dripping mustard all over the place. At the end of the match, all the weight he gain has taken it's toll, and now, Tubby's fingers are stuck in the bowling ball, and they won't budge. To keep Mr. Tompkins from suspecting anything, the dress the it up as their new foreign friend from Sweden. After Mr. Tompkins is satisfied, Tubby hears the ice cream truck, and the ball flies right off of his fingers, and smashes the fence. The Great Tubbini: Tubby puts on a fortune teller act in the clubhouse, and he tells Lulu and Annie that they will find buried treasure. When Lulu and Annie hang out at the docks, they find a message in a bottle that holds a treasure map. The map tells them to go through such obstacles as thorn bushes, marshes, and down a rocky hill. When they dig up
9: Polly Patrol/Money Problems/The Tubby 2000
Dec 27, 1998
Polly Patrol: Lulu is given the responsiblity of taking care of Miss Feeny's bird, Percy for the day. After Lulu brings him home, Tubby lets him escape from the cage. Percy flies all over town, causing trouble when he repeats phrases like ""stupid Gloria"", or ""stinky Annie"", or ""Fat-so McNab"". Lulu dresses Tubby up as a giant chicken to draw the attention of Percy, but whenever they get close enough, he flies off to another spot. In the end, when Lulu comes home, she finds Percy being fed by Mrs. Moppet, while Tubby gets a new job as the mascot for a new chicken joint. Money Problems: The Van Snobbes, the richest family in town are facing financial difficulties, and have to sell some of their most precious items, and even lay off their butler, Cranberry. This means they have to do all their own chores, leaving Wilbur in a gray area. Mr. Van Snobbe suggest that Wilbur seek the assistant of one of his friends, so Lulu offers to help, by having him wash windows, scrub floors, vacuum, and c
10: No Pain, No Gain/On the Job/Tragic Magic
Dec 28, 1998
No Pain, No Gain: Lulu and the gang play a game of hockey, but when she knocks Tubby out of the way, he twists his ankle. The doctor says everything will be fine, but Lulu still thinks its serious. Tubby fakes, and has Lulu run erands for him by picking up a comicbook from the Westside of town, and picking up a cake, and painting the clubhouse. When she goes back to ask what color, she sneaks a peak into Tubby's room to find hims playing football in his room. Lulu show him, by painting the clubhouse pink with flowers. On the JobIt's career day in Lulu's class, and each kids picks a career from a hat, and will spend the next day with the workers of that job. Lulu has the job of a junior reporter, and gets paired with a confused reporter, who spends his whole day timing the parking meters to see if they give a full 30 minutes for a quarter. Tubby is a junior fireman, but causes trouble after breaking ladders, breaking axes, not picking up a dummy right, and getting stuck going down the p
11: First-Aid Brigade/Matinee Madness/It's a Dog's Life
Jan 4, 1999
First-Aid Brigade: Lulu and the gang are all members of the local Squirrel Scouts. Today, everyone gets the chance to earn a ""first-aid badge"". They go through various types of training, like what would Tubby do if Willie wasn't able to get up after a bike crash (he'd take Willie's back), and what would Lulu do if Iggie had a stubbed toe (she'd cast his whole foot.) Now the squirrel scouts have to go out in public to help out any citizens in any way they can. But when it comes to helping someone, they get into a fight, because they ALL want the badges. The fights get so bad, they get each other injured. In the end, they all receive the badges for bandaging each other. Matinee Madness: Lulu and Tubby are off to see a movie they've been dying to see, but they fear they won't get good seats, being in the back of a long line. Lulu and Tubby sneak in the back way, only to be caught by the theater manager. Lulu and Tubby now find themselves doing odd jobs like taking tickets, and running the
12: Lulu Stays Put/Shoeless Lulu/Star Search
Jan 5, 1999
Lulu Stays Put: Mr. Moppet has trouble trying fix the plumbing. When he gets desparate, he dreads having to pay a plumber. He claims ""buying a new house is cheaper than paying a plumber"". Tubby then tells Lulu she's going to move. Lulu disbelieves him, until she hears Mrs. Moppet on the phone with someone ""wanting to see the house"". Lulu comes up with an idea to keep from moving. She stalls her mother by telling her there's a large beehive outside. Tubby then puts his at in the piano, turns off the lights, Lulu lifelessly sits in front of a snowy-TV-picture, while Tubby opens the door by itself. Two people come to look at the house, and are greeted by a pale face ""Vincent Price-like"" Tubby, who claims he's the house keeper. The piano plays by itself and Tubby claims theres an ancient curse. Mrs. Moppet returns to find the people love the house, but when they go upstairs, they find a ghost, who turns out to be Lulu. Lulu and Tubby then found out that the house was being looked at for a
13: Little Red Riding Hood Meets Prince Charming/Amok in the Mall/The World Record
Jan 11, 1999
14: Breakout/The Great Golf Club Chase/Jumpin' Jellybeans!
Jan 12, 1999
Breakout: Marty the Midget, who was last seen in ""Prisoner Exchange"", requestes a parole, but is denied after many escape attempts, including the one where he masquerades as Tubby. Later, prisoners dump their garbage in the truck, with the guards not knowing four of the cans hold Marty and his buddies. After the truck makes it's stop, Marty and his buddies split up to find hiding places. Marty hides in the Tompkins' backyard, where Mrs. Tompkins mistakens him for Tubby, and sends him to the tub. Meanwhile, Tubby is cornered by the Westside Boys, but are scared away when the convicts come to defend their ""boss."" They request a better place to hide. So Tubby brings them to the clubhouse, where they relax eating candy, and reading comic books. Lulu visits the Tompkins, and sees a prisoner outfit being hung on the clothes line. Later, Marty leaves, and is chases by the Westside Boys. Lulu hides him in the clubhouse, and Officer McNabb makes the arrest. The Great Golf Club Chase: Lulu and T
15: Iggy and the Ice Cream Factory/Game Show Gaffe/Art Frenzy
Jan 17, 1999
Iggy and the Ice Cream Factory: Iggie finds a a notice in his ice cream wrapper claiming he won a free tour of the ice cream factory. Lulu, Tubby, and Iggie finds themselves touring the ice cream factory, watching how flavors are mixed, how brown cows are coated, and how a fudge over load can take lives...sort of. Lulu, Tubby, and Iggie get caught in a revolving door, and meet the owner himself, who is busy trying to develope ideas for a new flavor. Iggie comes up with peanut butter and jelly ice cream, that takes the ice cream world by storm. Game Show Gaffe: Mr. Moppet wins a contest to be a contestant on his favorite game show: ""Guess That Answer"". Lulu and Tubby visit him backstage, where they cause trouble by eating finger sandwiches for the crew, and walking onto sound stages while shooting. Mr. Moppet gets locked in his dressing room, and Tubby fills in for him. Tubby gets EVERY question right with the categories being: comic books, monster movies, fast foods, and video games. T
16: Order in the Court/Maybe Use Sugar/Road Trip
Jan 18, 1999
Order in the Court: Annie and Iggie have a dispute during recess. Miss Feeny decides to settle this like adults. Next thing you know, Miss Feeny's classroom is a regular ""court room"". Iggie is the plaintiff, Annie the defendant, Lulu and Tubby the lawyers, while the rest of the class is the jury. Iggie claims, he was giving a ukulele concert, when Annie threatens to break it. After Iggie comes back from a game of catch with the fellers, he finds his ukulele with a big hole in it. All eyes turn to Annie who claims she didn't do it, but she does admit to threatening to break it. Lulu calls Tubby to the stand, who denies anything. Lulu concludes that Tubby accidentally stepped on it, because his foot exactly fits the hole, and there's a ukulele string in his sock. Tubby is then given detention for the next 2 weeks. Maybe Use Sugar: Mrs. Inch, Annie and Iggie's mother is a terrible cook, Annie and Lulu dislike her cooking, except Iggie, who eats anything. Lulu and Annie read a poster that
17: Bicycle Built for Too Many/Tax Time Trouble/Mayor for a Day
Jan 24, 1999
Bicycle Built for Too Many: Tubby's bike is stolen, and he posts reward posters all over town. Lulu and Tubby walk down the street, to see what looks like Butch, of the Westside Boys, with Tubby's bike. When they aren't looking, Tubby swipes the bike, and rides away, with the Westside Boys chasing after him. Once safe at home, Tubby finds his dad, bringing home his bike, which was ruined, when Mr. Tompkins ran over it. Tubby then realizes he stole Butch's bike. Tax Time Trouble: It's tax time, and Mr. Van Snobbe is in deep debt. Feeling bad, Mrs. Van Snobbe decides to hold a little charity party to take his mind off his troubles. Lulu and Tubby arrive, where Lulu puts on heavy perfume, and Tubby eats at the buffet. Trouble begins when the Westside Boys show up, and pick a fight with Tubby. The Van Snobbe mansion ended up looking like a diaster area, and because of the damages, Mr. Van Snobbe is in even deeper debt. The party is cancelled, and Tubby takes the rest of the food home with
18: Hooky Holiday/Red Tape Runaround/Country Clubby Tubby
Jan 25, 1999
Hooky Holiday: Tubby erges Lulu to play hooky with him. Lulu agrees when she realizes that instead of doing a math test, they have a geography test. Lulu and Tubby have trouble not being seen by any public officials. They decide to be the first kids to see a new movie coming out, but after having trouble getting to the theater, tickets are sold out. Once Lulu and Tubby arrive home, Iggie tells them they missed a field trip to the amusement park. Red Tape Runaround: Miss Feeny's class takes a career amptitude test. When Lulu receives her results in the mail, it claims she failed. ""How can you fail an amptitude test""? Lulu claims. She and Tubby run down to the bureau, to wait in two long lines just to be seen. Once up front, Lulu is told that she still failed. Lulu sneaks into the computer room, where she finds a big computer that claims ""Lulu Moppet does not exist."" Lulu starts playing with him, which causes trouble all over town when traffic lights go on the blink, rocket count downs a
19: Dancin' Fools/Hop Hazards/School Play
Jan 31, 1999
Dancin' Fools: It's time for the annual Elmridge School Dance. The first prize is a free dinner for two at the all you can eat buffet. The only ones who want to dance are Wilbur, Gloria, and all the other girls. After Wilbur and Gloria go on, the other fellers decide they diserve the prize. Then Iggie and Annie dance, only to have Iggie stepping on Annie's feet. Then, Eddie dances with Margie, to a rock-and-roll beat. Then Willie dances with the girl of his choosing, and they dance the Disco. Then it's Lulu and Tubby's turn. To help out, Iggie drops ice cubes down Tubby's shirt, and he's dancing all over the place, with Lulu playing along. They win the prize, but Iggie, Eddie, and Willie decide to cut in on their share. Hop Hazards: Lulu and Annie go on a picnic, but are anything but satisfied with Mrs. Inches idea of a well-balanced meal: trail mix, fish eggs, and energy bars. Lulu finds one chocolate bar in the basket, and pretty soon, they're surrounded by wood-land creatures. Prett
20: The Unnatural/The School Election/Super Lulu
Feb 1, 1999
The Unnatural: While practicing for a soccer game, the coach is fascinated by the kicking ability of Arland, a chess club boy, who has never played sports. Arland is the team's new secret weapon, but Lulu and the gang are quickly discouraged when the coach only uses Arland for all of the passing and kicking. Overhearing their complaints, Arland quits the team, and goes back to chess club, but when the team has a hard time lasting in the final game for the championship, Lulu high-tails it to the chess club, and pleads for him to return to the game. Arland then makes a game winning pass when he kicks the ball to Iggie, the ball bounces off his head, and into the net. Iggie is then declared a hero. The School Election: Lulu and Wilbur run against each other in the school election. Lulu focuses on the issues, with playground equipment in disrepair, the horrible cafeteria food, and the over crowded classrooms; while Wilbur uses flashing ad champeign by offer free ice cream for every vote, a
21: Tubby Kicks the Habit/How the West Was Lost/Infomercial
Feb 2, 1999
Tubby Kicks the Habit: Lulu and Mrs. Tompkins are concerned about Tubby's obssession with TV. Lulu makes a $5.00 bet to go a whole week without TV. Tubby claims this'll be the easiest $5.00 he ever made. But soon, Tubby goes crazy without nothing to do, so Tubby tries every which way to sneak a little TV from posing as a TV repair man, to geting a job at the local TV station. Lulu helps Tubby out by giving him some books to read. Tubby gets hooked, and is soon a regular Einstein. The week is up, and Tubby wins the $5.00, until he rediscovers TV, and now is back into his TV obssession. How the West Was Lost: While eating at an all you can eat meat bar, Lulu has Mr. Moppet enter for a chance to spend the weekend at Bonanza Bob's dude ranch. They win a free weekend for four, and Tubby begs to tag along. Finally, Lulu lets him come along. Once at the dude ranch, Mr. and Mrs. Moppet automatically have a bad time, epesically with Tubby acting like a singing cowboy. While out on a ride throug
22: Bull Dozer Blues/Telethon of Fallen Stars/What's Fair is Fare
Feb 7, 1999
Bull Dozer Blues: A business is getting ready to expand with a new office building, but they have no idea where to build it. They discover the perfect vacant lot, and soon everything is set in stone, but there's one problem, this happens to be the same vacant lot, where Tubby's clubhouse sits. Tubby, Willie, Eddie, and Iggie start thinking of different ways to stop the bull dozers from petitions, to going on TV. Nothing works, until Tubby finally resorts to Lulu for help. Lulu points out that the lot houses a rare purple dandelion, that's illegal to kill. So the the building operation is shut down, and Lulu is now club president for a whole month. Telethon of Fallen Stars: During a soccer game, Lulu's team learns that they're shot quite a bit of money to get to the state championship. So the coach has them solicite cookies. But when that doesn't work, Lulu makes a deal with the TV station manager for a 6 hour telethon. Lulu and Tubby host, and have various guests on. First Margie and h
23: Malpractice Makes Perfect/Involuntary Volunteers/Mobile Masterpiece
Feb 8, 1999
Malpractice Makes Perfect: Tubby has a long list of chores he's been putting off, and Mrs. Tompkins won't tolerate it any furthur, so while she's out, she expects Tubby to finish every last job. First Tubby starts pulling weed, and unwittingly gets a thorn stuck in his finger. Lulu pulls it out, but Tubby decides it might getting infected, and goes to the hospital to get an excuse for not doing his chores. Lulu and Tubby have no luck getting to see a doctor, and are caught in the hallways, so they have to elude other doctors. They hide inside a room, where Tubby is finally examined. When he tells the doctor that he needs an excuse for not doing his chores, the doctor scares him away with a giant shot needle and a saw. Involuntary Volunteers: It's volunteer week, and Miss Feeny has her class choose various volunteer jobs off the bulleten board. Once Lulu and Tubby get to the board, only two jobs are left: visiting an old lady, or picking up garbage off the beach. They take the visiting
24: Castaway Kids/Wrestling Away/Never Too Late
Feb 14, 1999
Castaway Kids: Lulu, Annie, Tubby, and Iggie go on a picnic on the island in the middle of the lake. Once on the island, Tubby fails to tie the boats to the trees, and are carried away by the current. Lulu and Annie then come to the conclusion that their stranded on the island. Tubby and Iggie are no help when they turn into cavemen, and use their pie as war paint. Lulu and Annie search the island for anything, only to find an empty can of beans she uses to hold the berries they gather. Tubby and Iggie only use the berries as more war paint, and when they see a pig on the can, they boww down to Lulu as the pig princess. Lulu and Annie try to get as far away from the two as possible, when they bump into a park ranger who tells them that they're really on the penisula on the other side of the lake, and that there's a nearby restaurant. Wrestling Away: Tubby is a big fan of wrestling. Such a big fan, in fact, that he joins a gym to become a professional wrestler. After impressing a manage
25: Tubby on Ice/Dr. X's Xtremely Xelent X-Ray Spex/Iggy's New Leaf
Feb 15, 1999
Tubby on Ice: Tubby skis down the a danger snow covered hill, that no one has made it down alive. Tubby amazingly makes it down alive, but is trapped by an avalanche. When Tubby awakes, he finds himself in the year 3999, where he is introduced to the world of the future by a little girl, who looks a lot like Lulu. Over a meal of hamburgers, Tubby explains to the girl that people in the past are afraid that in the future, the government will be watching your everymove, and you won't get any privacy, which unbeknownst to him is true. Pretty soon, the government brings him Tubby and sends through various tests. Afterwards, the girl over hears the scientists about removing Tubby's brain and disecting it. She then sends Tubby back to the past, but makes him swear to never to tell what he saw, for history would be jeopardized. Tubby then wakes up to find Lulu and Iggie remove him from the avalanche, and he then tells everything about the time machine in Miss Feeny's class. Dr. X's Xtremely X
26: The Great Escape/You Do the Math/The Little Lulu Show
Feb 21, 1999
Tubby's gang and Lulu try to get their hockey champion Arlin out of detention, but land themselves in trouble. Lulu gains a mysterious calculation power enabling her to go through math quizzes successfully. Lulu and her friends work at the TV Studio to produce the 'Little Lola Show' sitcom, but it gets cancelled
27: Episode 27
Feb 22, 1999
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